Set in the present-day, a group of motorcycle-riding performers known as the Knightriders tour the country performing in Renaissance fairs. Led by their charismatic leader, King Billy, the troupe lives by a code of honor and chivalry, reenacting medieval jousting matches for a modern audience. However, tensions arise within the group as they grapple with personal conflicts and the pressures of maintaining their ideals in a society that is becoming increasingly commercialized.
The Long Way Home (1997) is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the tumultuous events during the British Mandate for Palestine, post-World War II. The film highlights the Jewish migration, the Jewish-Arab conflict, and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. It delves into the struggles faced by Holocaust survivors, the establishment of internment camps, and the challenges of Jewish refugees. The documentary sheds light on the various factors that influenced this historical period, including colonialism, bigotry, and the struggle for self-determination in the Middle East.
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? follows the story of two aging sisters, Baby Jane and Blanche. Baby Jane, a former child star, now torments her wheelchair-bound sister Blanche. As their twisted relationship unfolds, secrets are revealed and tensions escalate, leading to a shocking climax.
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