The Pet Girl of Sakurasou follows the story of Sorata Kanda, a second-year high school student who is forced to live in Sakura Hall, a dormitory for problem students. He becomes the caretaker of a pet cat named Hikari and gets caught up in various shenanigans with his fellow residents. As Sorata struggles to balance his own dreams of becoming a game developer with the eccentricities of his dormmates, he also finds himself falling in love with a talented artist named Mashiro Shiina.
SHIROBAKO follows the journey of Aoi Miyamori and her friends as they work in the competitive and demanding world of anime production. Together, they face the pressures of meeting deadlines, dealing with creative differences, and juggling their personal lives.
The story revolves around Gu Sheng, a music-loving senior college student who perseveres in pursuing her dreams while silently maintaining another hidden identity as a low-profile figure in the traditional music circle known as "Sheng Sheng Man". She yearns for an opportunity to collaborate with her crush, a renowned figure in the voice-acting community called "Qiang Qing Ci". By a stroke of serendipity, she crosses paths with Mo Qingcheng, who is actually "Qiang Qing Ci", during an event. With the help of Gu's best friend, their distance gradually closes. Subsequently, Mo Qingcheng uses delectable cuisine and his captivating voice, slowly initiating a plan to win her heart. By the time Gu Sheng realizes it, she has already fallen into the sweet trap set by Mo Qingcheng.
The trials and tribulations of a group of sixteen young women who follow their dreams of becoming voice actors. But the voice acting world is highly competitive, and no matter how much someone practices, not everyone will make it past the audition process. Despite frustrations and setbacks, the story of a new generation of voice actors is about to begin.
Yuhi Yugure and Yasumi Utatane, high school classmates and co-hosts of a weekly radio program, paint a picture-perfect friendship for their listeners. Yet, in reality, they couldn’t be more different. Their off-air dynamic is a whirlwind of chaos and insults. As their tumultuous relationship unfolds, they navigate the turbulent waters of friendship and rivalry in the cutthroat realm of showbiz.
In this animated movie, a man visits a studio lot where he encounters various anthropomorphic animal characters. He participates in a tour where he sees the making of an animated movie, including a scene with a reluctant dragon. The man also interacts with famous cartoon characters like Donald Duck and Goofy. The film combines live-action and animation to create an entertaining and whimsical story.
The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well follows the lives of four seemingly ordinary individuals in Seoul, Korea, whose lives are intertwined by infidelity, hopelessness, and troubled marriages. As they navigate through their own personal struggles, their paths cross and their secrets are exposed, leading to a series of unexpected consequences.
Unfortunately, Akiteru knows from experience that isn't the case. Because every girl he interacts with shows him nothing but scorn, and he's not scored a single date from it! Luckily, he's more concerned with securing a spot for him and his game-development buddies at his uncle's business. But when his uncle throws him a condition that involves playing the part of his daughter's boyfriend, Akiteru has no choice but to take it.
Sunday is an action-packed comedy that follows the story of a woman who becomes entangled in a dangerous web of mystery, murder, and corruption. After her encounter with a date rape drug and an attempted murder, she embarks on a mission to uncover the truth. With the help of a taxi driver, she navigates through a series of thrilling rooftop chases, fights, and encounters with drug dealers. Along the way, she discovers shocking secrets about a politician, gets involved in an amusing dog chase, and finds herself in a cemetery showdown. Will she be able to outsmart the murderers and bring justice to those involved? Find out in this exciting movie filled with suspense, humor, and unexpected twists.
Adela, a former radio personality, celebrates her 80th birthday. Alone, and without support, she longs for the family and stability of years gone by. Mundane events take on heightened meaning as Adela gauges her life against those of the sea of humanity. Adela is about the quiet moments in life that can fill us with either joy or sorrow.
When a fake psychiatrist witnesses a murder, he must pretend to be a doctor to avoid being implicated. As he navigates his new role, he becomes entangled in a web of deception, infidelity, and jealousy.
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