The Bad Seed is a psychological thriller about a seemingly innocent young girl named Rhoda who slowly reveals her dark and sinister side. After a series of mysterious deaths occur in her vicinity, a mother's worst fears are confirmed as she discovers that her own daughter is the culprit. As the truth unravels, the family struggles to come to terms with the horrifying reality.
On the Western frontier, the Pink Panther is a traveling vendor of pep pills. He unwittingly sells some pills to a frail criminal, who gains the strength to rob every bank in a nearby town! Thus, the panther is in as much trouble with the law as the robber and must act to apprehend the scoundrel.
A captivating documentary that delves into the psychology and biography of an Olympic athlete whose strength and determination in the sport of discus throw surpass the worldly distractions.
Sylvester Cat is a lighthouse keeper's mouse-catcher assigned to keep a mouse from unplugging the light. The mouse only wants a good night's sleep and asks Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo who has just crashed off of a ship on the nearby rocks, to help him fight Sylvester and keep the lighthouse light turned off.
A farmer is badly disappointed by his thumb-sized son who eventually makes good by sending away for some free garden growth pills.
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