The story begins when Berry, an average girl from an average home, meets Hack, a girl who looks like a boy. Charmed by Hack, Berry meets up with the team Hack leads, the Ghost Detectives Club. Members of this club are “socially dead,” working invisibly within the digitally controlled society of Tom Sawyer. As she works with the group, Berry learns about Zero, a mysterious figure who lurks within Tom Sawyer’s underground. She and Hack decide to chase down this figure, and in time, the truth behind the city is revealed...
A thought-provoking documentary that delves into the world of surveillance technology and its effects on privacy, control, and power structures in society. Through a historical lens, the film examines the evolution of visual information, from the human eye to cameras and imaging technology, highlighting the complexities of interpretation and trustability. It explores topics such as mass surveillance, public space, surveillance capitalism, and the limitations of photography. With a focus on both the subjective and objective aspects of surveillance, it raises important questions about transparency, privacy, and the impact of surveillance on our daily lives.
NASA roboticist and Curiosity -rover driver Vandi Verma works on Mars on a daily basis from her desk at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Los Angeles. Her work is entirely relying on images and the technologically advanced use of them. The film creates a philosophical journey into the intriguing world of Mars science. Through the lenses of various experts we learn how NASAs' images are made, used and manipulated for the sake of science, but also public information. Mars is the ideal place for an investigation into our paradoxical relationship to photography. Do images reflect reality or shape it?
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