Daytime Shooting Star is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of a high school girl, Suzume, who moves from the countryside to Tokyo. There, she finds herself falling in love with her handsome teacher, Shishio. As Suzume navigates the complexities of love, friendship, and adolescence, she discovers the importance of following her heart and embracing the uncertainties of life. With captivating performances and beautiful cinematography, Daytime Shooting Star is a must-watch for fans of romantic films.
Il Sorpasso follows the story of two men who embark on a spontaneous road trip across Italy. They bond over their love for life and live in the moment, but their journey also reveals the complexities of their personal lives. This iconic film captures the essence of Italian culture and presents a humorous yet thought-provoking exploration of relationships and the pursuit of happiness.
A Danish woman visits her rural hometown to attend her brother's wedding. As she reconnects with her family, old conflicts and tensions resurface, bringing both humor and drama to the wedding festivities.
In the first hour of the two-part back-to-back special, Colleen Stan: The Girl in the Box, kidnapping survivor Colleen Stan tells the story of her seven-year ordeal. Abducted by a sadistic predator and his wife, she was brainwashed, tortured, and largely confined to a coffin-size box. From the very spot where she was first picked up, Colleen provides a riveting first-hand account. She explains how a slavery contract prevented her from running, and how mind control prevented her from going to police even once she was free. In the second hour learn how Colleen embraces freedom, but no matter how much she wants to move on, the past won't go away. When she eventually took the stand at her abductor's trial, she found herself portrayed as a willing participant. Evil may cast a long shadow, but faith and family ultimately allowed Colleen to reclaim her identity and find her mission.
In a world devastated by a comet's impending collision with Earth, a battle queen must rise to power and stop the destruction. With martial arts skills and the help of her loyal followers, she rebels against a headmistress who controls the remaining resources and fights to save humanity.
When his uncle arrives for a visit, Plump has to find a wife and baby in a hurry. With the help of his friend, Runt, soon there are wives and babies everywhere.
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