WandaVision is a surreal TV mini-series that follows the story of Wanda Maximoff, a witch with supernatural powers. Set in different decades, the show explores Wanda's suburban life with her android husband Vision, blending sitcom comedy with superhero action. As the series progresses, mysterious events unfold and the true nature of Wanda's reality is revealed.
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow is an animated film about a group of young heroes who must step up and take on the responsibility of being the next generation of Avengers. With the world in danger, they must learn to work together and use their unique powers to defeat a powerful enemy. Along the way, they discover the importance of teamwork and the legacy of their superhero parents.
A group of superheroes known as The Avengers join forces to protect the world from various threats and villains using their unique powers and abilities. Together, they must learn to work as a team and overcome their differences to save the day.
When Iron Man's latest invention, the Techno-Blob, goes haywire and starts controlling all of New York City's technology, it's up to the Avengers to save the day and stop the chaos. With the help of their new teammate, Ant-Man, the heroes must battle against mind-controlled villains, including Ultron, and protect the city from destruction.
After the events of "WandaVision", "white" Vision searches for a new purpose in life.
After a Super Adaptoid breaks into the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, it fakes its destruction. S.H.I.E.L.D and the superheroes enlist recruits to help determine what was stolen before Hydra and AIM can team up to take over the world.
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