Vampires Suck is a hilarious spoof comedy that parodies popular vampire movies and mocks the tropes of high school life. The story follows the clumsy and awkward Becca Crane, who finds herself torn between two vampire brothers, Edward Sullen and Jacob White. With a mix of slapstick comedy, cringe-worthy moments, and over-the-top violence, the movie hilariously exaggerates the vampire exploitation genre and cleverly spoofs iconic scenes from movies like Twilight.
Freeway is a dark comedy about a teenage girl, Vanessa, who must go on the run from a psychopathic serial killer after her mother is arrested. Along the way, she encounters various eccentric characters, including a friendly prostitute and a manipulative hitchhiker. As Vanessa tries to navigate the dangerous streets of California, she must rely on her street smarts to survive.
System Crasher (2019) follows a problem child named Benni who urinates on the floor, demonstrates violently outbursts, self-harms, and displays sociopathic behavior. She struggles with loneliness and seeks connection, while her irresponsible mother exacerbates her emotional instability. As her emotional abuse increases, Benni finds herself in jeopardy and becomes a child thief. Through various encounters including medical examinations, hitchhiking, and camping trips, Benni's journey unveils themes of resilience and self-discovery as she searches for a safe and stable environment.
A high school girl with overwhelming literary talent shakes up the lives of those around her with her brilliant spontaneity.
Greatful Dead is a dark comedy about Nami, a mentally ill girl, who lives with her dysfunctional family in Tokyo, Japan. Nami's life takes a disturbing turn when she becomes a peeping tom and starts watching a violent girl through her TV. As the story unfolds, Nami's voyeuristic tendencies lead her down a dangerous path of kidnapping and violence. Through it all, the film explores themes of family relationships, estrangement, depression, and the dark comedy that arises from these situations.
In 'The Girl Most Likely to... (1973)', a woman named Miriam transforms from an ugly duckling to a vengeful and violent woman after a car accident leaves her disfigured. She undergoes plastic surgery and plots revenge against those who have wronged her, particularly the bullies from her college years. As she takes matters into her own hands, she becomes a vigilante, targeting individuals who have caused harm to others. Along the way, she also finds love and deals with the complexities of her own actions.
Child of Rage tells the chilling true story of a 7-year-old girl named Catherine who harbors a deep psychological trauma caused by severe child abuse. As her new therapist tries to investigate and help her, he discovers the dark and disturbing secrets of Catherine's past, including her father's incestuous pedophilia. Catherine's violent and psychopathic behavior escalates, leading to a series of horrifying incidents including murder. This psychological drama explores the effects of childhood traumas and the lengths people will go to protect their dark secrets.
A gripping dramatic short about power, violence, trauma, and abuse. The short film traces the haunting few moments after Izzy loses her virginity to Thomas
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