In the year 2040, after surviving multiple Purge nights, a group of violent criminals decides to extend the Purge beyond its designated time, leading to a night of chaos and mayhem. In a desperate fight for survival, a Texan couple must join forces with a group of outcasts to escape the relentless killers.
On Purge Night, three groups of people find themselves stranded in the streets, trying to survive the chaos and violence that ensues. As they navigate the dangers of the night, they must come together and fight for their lives.
Cast and crew reunite to film a spin-off, this time set in Hollywood, boasting more zealous zombies and beefed up with international characters.
Let 'Em Have It is a 1935 gangster film. It was also known as The Legion of Valour and False Faces. An FBI agent tracks down a gang leader.
A rebellious youth blaming society for wrongful incarceration reunites with friends to terrorize the good citizens of Detroit by abducting random victims then forcing them to perform in their twisted online show, Amerikan Violence.
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