In the small town of Villisca in 1912, a series of brutal axe murders took place in a haunted house. A group of teenagers decide to explore the infamous house, leading to terrifying encounters with supernatural entities and a malevolent spirit seeking vengeance. As the night progresses, they uncover the truth behind the murders and become trapped in a fight for their lives.
"Slay Utterly" is a modern adaptation inspired by the infamous 1912 ax murders in Villisca, Iowa. At the center of the story is an FBI agent who links the gruesome massacre to others throughout the nation's heartland. Faced with challenges resulting from poorly-controlled rural crime scenes, the agent struggles to stay on the bloody trail of the brutal "Ax Man," who spares no one in his path.
Villisca: Living with a Mystery (2004) is a documentary that delves into the unsolved Villisca axe murders which occurred in Iowa. The film explores the tragedy and its impact on the small town, as well as the various theories and reenactments associated with the case. It provides a comprehensive examination of this chilling crime.
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