Spanning over a century, Underworld: Endless War follows the elite Death Dealer, Selene, in three distinct periods in Paris; starting in 1890, then moving on to 1967, and, ultimately, in 2012, to conclude a violent triptych of bloodbath and mayhem. To end the blood-drenched reign of three powerful Lycan brothers who pose as Parisian lords, Selene's dangerous mission evolves through the years, as the technology and the weapons change, offering the fearless Lycan exterminator the means to shift the balance of power in favour of the Vampires. Will the endless war between the brutish Lycans and the sophisticated Vampires finally end in 2012?
In Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die! (1968), a gunslinger seeks vengeance against the bandit leader who raped and murdered his wife. With the help of a group of outlaws, he sets out to track down and eliminate the villains one by one. This gritty spaghetti western features intense shootouts, knife-throwing, and quick-draw duels.
After discovering a fortune in stolen contraband, a military veteran and his family must run from a hit squad in a desperate fight for survival.
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