The Fabulous World of Jules Verne takes viewers on a captivating journey through a dreamlike world where steam-powered inventions, underwater tunnels, and volcanic islands coexist. When a group of scientists discover a hidden island base, they must join forces with intrepid reporter Michelle to save the world from an evil dictator's plot to conquer it. This black-and-white masterpiece showcases the wonders of 19th-century science and literature, blending fantasy and steampunk elements with a touch of European charm.
During World War I, a British officer leads a revolt against an evil prince in colonial India, with the help of a tribe and their sacred drum. They undertake a dangerous mission to deliver a message and prevent an arms-smuggling plan.
Philibert, a robust lad and eldest son of an artichoke farmer, stands out from the other boys in the village. Idealistic and ingenuous, he foresees for himself a glorious future in artichokes and is saving his virginity for an as-yet-unknown woman chosen for him by God. Before he dies, his father tells him that he isn't his real parent. Philibert's real father was a gentleman murdered in the most cowardly way by a man from Burgundy who is recognisable by a rose-shaped strawberry birthmark on his neck. With a pouch full of ideals and artichokes, Philibert leaves his village and gallops towards Burgundy, accompanied by Martin, his rather deceitful manservant. Philibert's courage, kindness, physical and moral purity will thus be severely tested when faced with the baseness and venality of villains and the temptation of women each more lustful than the last.
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