In 'Pokémon: The First Movie (1998)', a group of trainers embark on a journey to save the world from the powerful clone Pokemon, Mewtwo, who seeks revenge on his creators. Along the way, they learn about the value of friendship and forgiveness.
Fun Size follows Wren, a teenage girl whose Halloween plans go awry when she loses her brother on a night of adventure and misadventure in her hometown.
A short-sighted millionaire, Mr. Magoo, gets caught up in a series of comedic adventures and misunderstandings, including a book signing, a fishing trip, a robbery, and a heist. His stupidity and clumsiness lead him into dangerous situations, but he always manages to come out on top.
On Halloween, a teenage boy who is grounded and forced to baby-sit his brother and sister discovers, along with his siblings, that his house is haunted.
Following an incident on Halloween, the lives of a roofer, waitress, romantic rookie, and mysterious clairvoyant converge due to an undiscovered connection.
It's Halloween and Barney and his friends are decorating the gym for an exciting party at the school. From Indian corn to smiling jack-o-lanterns, the gym is aglow with the colors of fall. Meanwhile, BJ and Baby Bop are putting the final touches on their costumes as they get ready for a fun-filled night of trick-or-treating.
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