Frontline is a satirical mockumentary TV show that follows the lives of the cast and crew of a satirical current affairs program in Australia. The show provides a humorous and exaggerated look at the world of journalism and the media industry, presenting a satirical take on various issues and events. With its witty writing and comedic performances, Frontline offers a unique and entertaining perspective on the world of television news.
Victoria falls in love with a girl with whom they cross paths. Judith finds something unique in her and they decide to create a relationship, although Victoria fears the conflict that will arise at home and its consequences.
Short documentary about making of "Picnic at Hanging Rock" (1975) including interviews with actors, crew and Peter Weir himself.
In the mould of The Full Monty and Brassed Off, VALENTINE'S DAY is a tale of hope and redemption. Ben Valentine (Rhys Muldoon) has totally lost his way in the world when he finds himself in a strange country town. With a sentence of 200 hours of community service, Valentine must coach the town's 'no-hoper' football team, who are teetering on the brink of demise. If the team don't win three out of the next four games, they'll be merged with their arch rivals and the town will also lose its precious pie factory. Valentine is embraced, heart and soul by the townsfolk. This one-time drifter learns how to live and hope again - and so does the town.
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