All Creatures Great and Small is a comedic and dramatic TV show set in rural Yorkshire during the 1930s and 1940s. It revolves around the lives of a group of veterinary professionals and their experiences in a country veterinary practice. The show explores the challenges they face while caring for various animals, the relationships they build with their clients, and the personal trials they encounter. Based on the popular novel and memoir, All Creatures Great and Small shows the countless heartwarming and humorous moments that occur in the veterinary profession as they navigate through life in a close-knit rural community.
Chronicles the adventures of charismatic Veterinarians Dr. Chris Brown and Dr. Lisa Chimes as they live and work at one of Australia’s most famous locations – Sydney’s Bondi Beach.
Blues Harp is a crime drama about a group of musicians caught in a web of violence, betrayal, and forbidden love. Set in the underground music scene, the film follows the story of a talented musician who gets involved with a crime gang and must navigate the dangerous world of yakuza, homosexuality, and the power of blues music.
Teenager Jamie moves with his mother, sister and grandfather to an island off the South Australian coast where mum has a job running a marine research station. To his discomfort, Jamie discovers he's a "selkie" - half human, half seal - that explains the webbing on his hands and also why he changes completely into a seal as soon as he hits water.
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