In this horror-comedy sequel, Cole Johnson, now a high school student, is still traumatized by his previous encounter with a satanic cult and has trouble believing that they are truly gone. When they resurface to continue their demonic rituals, Cole must once again face his fears and protect himself and his friends from their evil plans.
Joe Dirt is a janitor with a mullet haircut who embarks on a road trip to find his birth parents. Along the way, he encounters various humorous and crude situations, including a meteorite, a horse, and a witness protection program.
Mute Witness is a crime, horror, and thriller movie released in 1995. The plot revolves around a mute witness who becomes the target of danger after she accidentally discovers a snuff movie disk. As she tries to escape, she finds herself in a neo-Hitchcockian chase through Moscow, Russia. With the help of an artist and an undercover cop, she must unravel the mystery and survive the dark-comedy that unfolds.
When a timid high-school student accidentally crosses paths with a psychopathic bully, he finds himself challenged to a showdown at three o'clock. As panic sets in, he must summon the courage to stand up for himself and face his fears.
A student becomes involved with a mysterious man who is actually a psychopath obsessed with killing pregnant women. As the plot unfolds, secrets are revealed, leading to a thrilling climax.
In the small town of Peace Hotel, a mysterious killer arrives and disrupts the peace. A woman seeks revenge and teams up with a kendo master to take down the killer, leading to a series of brutal street shootouts and stylish martial arts battles. The hotel becomes the battleground as the two sides clash in a fight for survival.
A young boy must confront his fears when he encounters a terrifying creature in his own home.
Submersed in "bro" culture, a fraternity brother's obsession with a poem and its poetess begin to inform him more about himself than he is ready to accept.
Anxious citizens of Wales survive Halloween, compulsory fancy dress, the endless drudgery of being put on hold and the apocalypse (sort of).
A small bird with a fear of flying tries to avoid heading South for the winter.
How do you ask a wild, impetuous hairdresser on a date if you're a pathologically timid philosophy student with no social skills?
She's So Cold is a low-budget production that explores taboo subjects such as necrophilia. The story follows a lonely office clerk who becomes obsessed with a dead woman in the morgue. As he spirals into a dark romance, he confesses his desires through a videotaped confession.
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