Sailor Moon is a classic anime TV show that follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl who transforms into Sailor Moon, a magical superhero, to save Earth from various villains and protect the princess of the Moon Kingdom. Along with her fellow Sailor Guardians, Usagi fights against the forces of evil while navigating the challenges of school, friendships, and teenage romance.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl who becomes the heroine Sailor Moon. Joined by her friends, the Sailor Senshi, they use their powers to fight against villains and protect the Earth. Along the way, Usagi also discovers her destiny as the Moon Princess and must navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and hidden identities.
When a spaceship crashes near Rome, a creature from Venus hatches and grows into a giant, destructive monster. It terrorizes the city, leaving a zoologist, a military officer, and a young boy as the only hope to stop it.
In Queen of Outer Space, astronauts crash-land on Venus and uncover a society ruled by women. They must navigate a world where men are considered inferior and assist in a rebellion against the tyrannical Queen.
Passage of Venus (1874) is a groundbreaking documentary film that chronicles the rare celestial event of Venus passing in front of the sun. Using innovative techniques such as multiple-exposure and time-lapse photography, this silent film captures the beauty and scientific significance of the phenomenon. Released in 1874, it stands as one of the first-of-its-kind films in the history of cinema and remains a remarkable achievement in the field of astrophotography.
In a distant future, a man with a full-body tattoo tells stories that depict different visions of the future and alternate dimensions. The stories involve crash landings, virtual reality, marooned individuals, and encounters with mysterious women. As the tattooed man shares his tales, the audience becomes mesmerized by the strange and captivating worlds he describes.
In Planet of Storms, a scientific expedition to Venus faces a series of challenges when their space ship crash lands on the planet. They must contend with hostile dinosaurs, a mysterious alien presence, and the deadly swamp fever. As they struggle to survive and find a way back home, their mission to explore and understand Venus takes a dangerous turn.
In this comedy, Abbott and Costello accidentally end up on Mars after a misunderstanding. On the planet, they encounter various adventures and encounters with aliens, leading to hilarious situations. With their comedic timing and wit, they manage to find their way back to Earth.
Join National Geographic on an incredible adventure as we explore the wonders of the universe, from galaxies and cosmic rays to black holes and exoplanets.
In the near future, Earth is invaded by aliens from Venus and humanity must fight back to save the planet. A group of brave astronauts embark on a mission to Venus to destroy the aliens and prevent further destruction.
When a group of astronauts explores the planet Venus, they find a hidden threat that could destroy all of humanity. With the help of alien technology and their own ingenuity, they must find a way to save Earth from this impending disaster.
In the year 2020, a team of astronauts embarks on a mission to Venus, encountering dangerous creatures, volcanic eruptions, and an alien civilization.
In this horror sci-fi thriller, a scientist named Dr. Paul Nelson invents a mind-controlling device with the help of a Venusian alien creature. Together, they seek to conquer the world by taking over the minds of humans. As chaos ensues, a group of brave individuals must stop them before it's too late. With elements of world domination, creature features, and mind control, this cult psychotronic film is a campy homage to classic horror movies.
2069: A Sex Odyssey is a sex comedy set in the year 2069. It follows the story of a man who embarks on a sexual adventure with various alien women and encounters outrageous situations along the way.
After crash-landing on Venus, a group of astronauts must navigate its dangerous landscape and survive encounters with prehistoric women and hostile creatures.
Assignment: Outer Space is a sci-fi adventure movie set in outer space, where Earth is in jeopardy. A spaceship crew is sent on a mission to Venus and Mars to gather information and save humanity. They face challenges including asteroids, space stations, and the race against time to complete their assignment. The movie is a low-budget psychotronic film that combines elements of space travel, space opera, and B-movies.
A singing cowboy falls foul of alien invaders and beautiful women from Venus.
In 'Lifepod,' a disabled spaceship drifts through space, and a group of survivors must navigate a series of challenges and dangers to find a way to escape. As time runs out, they must uncover the truth behind their predicament and make difficult choices to ensure their survival.
Billions of years ago, Venus may have harbored life-giving habitats similar to those on the early Earth. Today, Earth's twin is a planet knocked upside down and turned inside out. Its burned-out surface is a global fossil of volcanic destruction, shrouded in a dense, toxic atmosphere. Scientists are now unveiling daring new strategies to search for clues from a time when the planet was alive.
A stranger from Venus comes to Earth and warns of the dangers of nuclear war. He possesses incredible powers including rapid healing and magnetism. As suspicion and fear grow, the stranger's true intentions are questioned.