Curiosity and Control is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the intricate dynamics of the human-animal relationship. It revolves around the themes of captivity, ethics, and conservation, questioning our role as caretakers of the animal kingdom. With a critical lens, the film examines the practices of zoos, natural history museums, and animal research, highlighting the mental illness that can arise from the confinement of wild creatures. Featuring stunning visuals and profound interviews with zoologists, animal advocates, and philosophers, the movie urges viewers to reflect on their own responsibility towards animals.
The 94 years old Alma is a passionate environmentalist. She doesn’t like the deforestation of the rain forests at all, that the Germans eat ever more meat, and that animals are fattened in concentrated animal feeding operations across the country. The pensioner looks for equal minded people via adverts in the local papers and gets to know the young kindergarten worker Vicky. Both participate in a group meeting in the restaurant “Los Veganeros”, where they and other environmental activists plan their projects. During one of these meetings Vicky propose to abduct the pig fattening industrialist Heinz Granitzka to force the public to take notice of the horrible conditions the animals are being forced to live in. The group all but jumps at that idea and start to carry it out, with fatal results.
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