Empathy is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the deep-rooted connections between animals, humans, and the environment. Through compelling investigation and interviews, the film raises important questions about animal rights, veganism, and our responsibility towards a more compassionate and sustainable world.
Raw for Life is a documentary film that explores the raw food vegan lifestyle and its benefits. It features celebrity interviews and showcases the principles of a plant-based diet.
A father sacrifices an animal on the day of Eid al-Adha according to the traditions and customs of the past. According to the old custom, he gives the last bowl of water to the goat, but his son tries to save the goat. The father angrily looks for them. The boy makes the goat run away and puts the rope around his neck instead of the goat. This short film refers to the story of Ismail and Ibrahim in Islam.
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