Tanna is a romantic drama film based on a true story that takes place in a remote tribal community in the South Pacific. The film revolves around a forbidden love story between a young tribal woman and a warrior from a rival tribe. The community is faced with conflicts and struggles, including an active volcano eruption and forced marriages. The film beautifully portrays the traditions and customs of the indigenous people of Vanuatu.
Into the Inferno takes viewers on a journey to explore the power and impact of volcanoes. From the volcanic islands of Indonesia to the icy landscapes of Antarctica, the film delves into the world of volcanology and the incredible stories surrounding these natural phenomena. It also explores the cultural significance of volcanoes, including rituals and worship practices, as well as the dangers of volcanic eruptions and the scientific efforts to monitor and understand them.
Frank Flynn is summonsed from New York by his brother Charlie to Vanuatu. He arrives only to find Charlie dead, and becomes involved with his late brother's partner, Viv, and Viv's unhappy wife, Anna.
If you had never heard of an airplane, would you think it was a miracle when one arrived? Waiting for John tells the story of America's incredible impact on a remote island in the South Pacific and the birth of an extraordinary religion, the John Frum Movement, considered the last surviving cargo cult. We follow the John Frum believers today as they struggle to preserve a culture in danger of being lost to the modern world.
Life in Vanuatu isn't all sea, sun and palm trees. For Timothy and his family life is hard. His daughter Betty is out of school because he can't pay her school fees. His wife works as a house girl and his son hangs around with his friends smoking dope, like many other unemployed, young men. Timothy's only hope is the political party he supports, and when the man Timothy has collected votes for becomes a Minister, Timothy dreams he will get a job and earn the money to send Betty back into school. But he is not the only supporter looking for work. And to get the job he wants he has to do things that make him question the whole system. Yumi Go Kale is the first feature made entirely by Wan Smolbag's cast and crew.
Filmmaker Karina Duffy travels the globe to explore the spectrum of the human condition through intimate stories and diverse cultural traditions.
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