The Dick Van Dyke Show follows the life of comedy writer Rob Petrie, his wife Laura, and their friends and co-workers at the fictional Alan Brady Show. Filled with physical comedy, witty banter, and hilarious situations, the show captures the ups and downs of Rob's career, his relationships with his colleagues, and the joys and challenges of married life. Set in the 1960s, the show offers a humorous glimpse into the world of television production and the everyday life of a suburban family.
The New Dick Van Dyke Show is an American sitcom starring Dick Van Dyke that aired on CBS from 1971 to 1974. It was Van Dyke's first return to series television since The Dick Van Dyke Show.
40 years after The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961), Alan Brady wants to hire Rob and Sally to write his eulogy - in order to win a bet with his wife. Although they don't want to do it, he offers them a huge amount of money. If Rob takes the job, Laura could open her dream dance studio.
A washed-up star reflects on his rise and fall in Hollywood, his alcoholic composure, and his attempt at a comeback.
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