Set in Akihabara, the shopping area has been invaded by creatures known as "Synthisters" who prey on the patrons of Akihabara, feasting on their social energy and will to live. These enemies can only be stopped by direct exposure to sunlight, meaning to defeat these synthisters their clothes need to be ripped off exposing them to sunlight.
After a motorcycle crash, a fashion designer undergoes an experimental medical procedure which inadvertently gives her a rabies-like virus. As the virus spreads, she becomes a bloodthirsty monster, causing a terrifying outbreak of violence and chaos. With her newfound immortality and insatiable bloodlust, she goes on a rampage, leaving a trail of gore and death in her wake.
In the year 1610, an orphan girl and her younger brother live alone in Transylvania. They encounter a female villain who is believed to be the notorious Elizabeth Bathory, also known as the Blood Countess. As they try to find their missing sister, they uncover a dark secret and are thrust into a dangerous world of vampiric horror.
Living Among Us (2018) is a horror comedy film that follows a documentary crew as they explore the existence of vampires living among humans. The crew gets more than they bargained for when they find themselves in the midst of a vampire feast.
On a weekend camping trip, two struggling couples are haunted by La Patasola, a famed vampiric monster from Amazonian folklore, testing their relationships, morality, and will to survive.
The seed of the serpent cannot die and will be re-born. Eve, an unsuspecting married woman, is selected for the re-birth and transformed into The Lady of the Dark - emerging as a ravenous, instinctual killer who shows no mercy.
The feature-length reboot of the 2023 cult hit, 'Falcatus'.
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