Mrs. Henderson Presents is a musical comedy-drama film set in London during World War II. It tells the true story of a widow, Mrs. Laura Henderson, who buys an old theater and transforms it into a revue show featuring nude performers. As the war intensifies, the theater becomes a popular entertainment venue, but also faces challenges from the authorities and the threat of bombing. The film explores themes of love, resilience, and the power of art in times of adversity.
A group of friends in East Germany undertake a daring plan to dig a tunnel under the Berlin Wall in order to help people escape to West Berlin. Their mission becomes more dangerous when they are discovered by the authorities and have to face betrayal, surveillance, and the constant threat of being caught. The film explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the human spirit's desire for freedom.
A vulture, a gorilla and a hyena (“with no small resemblances to actual dictators”) bully the woodland animals, who eventually fight back, using the letter V as their victory symbol.
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