The Orville (2017) is set in the distant future where humanity has achieved a utopian society. The show follows the crew of the starship Orville as they navigate through space, encounter alien species, and tackle various humorous and satirical situations. The main protagonist, Captain Ed Mercer, leads his crew in exploring new planets, engaging in space battles, and dealing with social and cultural clashes. The show combines elements of adventure, comedy, drama, and fantasy to create an entertaining and thought-provoking viewing experience.
In the near future, society has achieved immortality through a miracle cure that stops the aging process. However, a series of mysterious suicides raises questions about the ethics of eternal life. A police detective is assigned to investigate the suicides and soon discovers a terrorist group that seeks to bring an end to immortality. As she delves deeper into the case, she uncovers a new social structure based on age and a dangerous political struggle. Together with her male and female partners, she must confront her own identity crisis and the philosophical implications of eternal life.
In a future where humanity has achieved utopia through the use of nanotechnology, a detective is tasked with investigating a conspiracy that threatens to unravel the perfect harmony. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she uncovers dark secrets about the true nature of the society and the quest for eternal life. With the help of her team, she must navigate a world of high-tech advancements, moral codes, and international politics to uncover the truth and prevent a global catastrophe.
In the year 2085, a young girl named Alisa travels back in time to the year 1984 to prevent a road accident that could have disastrous consequences. She hides in an abandoned house and discovers a secret basement where she finds a time machine. With the help of a robot and a time institute nurse, Alisa embarks on an adventure to save the future. Along the way, she encounters space pirates, mind-reading androids, and a well-kept secret about the true nature of her mission.
Two everyday schlubs are inadvertently frozen for 120 years, awakening to a wacky future run by a robot named MAX. Pilot episode for unproduced series.
Art Historian Professor Richard Clay explores visions of utopia examining what they reveal about some of our deepest hopes, dreams and fears about the future.
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