Room 222 is a comedy-drama TV show set in the 1960s that revolves around a popular teacher tackling social issues in a high school. With an African-American teacher as the protagonist, the show explores various challenges faced by both the students and faculty. The series delves into topics like racial tensions, civil rights movement, and other social movements of that era.
Drunk History is a comedy TV show that features inebriated storytellers recounting historical events while famous actors reenact the drunken narration. The show combines elements of parody, sketch comedy, and alternate history to create a unique and hilarious storytelling experience.
American Experience is an anthology TV series that delves into the events, people, and movements that have shaped American history. Through a combination of expert interviews, historical footage, and dramatic reenactments, each episode offers a deep dive into a specific topic, providing viewers with a greater understanding of the nation's past. From iconic figures to significant events, American Experience brings history to life.
Explore the hidden aspects and alternative narratives of American history, examining the impacts of imperialism, the Cold War, and political controversies.
The Vietnam War is a TV show that provides a detailed and in-depth exploration of the Vietnam War, covering its historical background, the political factors, the military strategies, and the impact it had on the world. The show uses authentic footage, interviews, and expert analysis to present a comprehensive view of the war.
John Adams follows the life of the second President of the United States, John Adams, and his contributions to the American Revolution and the creation of a new nation. It explores his relationship with his wife, Abigail Adams, and his interactions with other influential figures of the time.
Solomon Northup, a free black man, is abducted and sold into slavery in the antebellum United States. He endures the horrors of being a slave, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and separation from his family. Despite his struggles, he maintains his dignity and seeks freedom.
A historian named Benjamin Gates embarks on a mission to find the famous Templar Treasure. With the clue given by his grandfather, Ben sets out to locate the national treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States and Freemasons during the American Revolutionary War. He must outsmart a team of mercenaries led by Ian Howe who are also after the treasure. Alongside his friend Riley and Dr. Abigail Chase, Ben deciphers ancient clues and navigates through dangerous obstacles to protect the family name and ultimately uncover the hidden treasure.
Benjamin Gates, the great-great-grandson of Thomas Gates, tries to clear his ancestor's name in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by following a clue in John Wilkes Booth's diary. With the help of his team and a book of secrets, they embark on a globetrotting adventure to find the hidden City of Gold and unravel the conspiracy surrounding the assassination.
Profiles in Courage is an American historical anthology series that was telecast weekly on NBC from November 8, 1964 to May 9, 1965. The series was based on the recently President John F. Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize winning book, Profiles in Courage.
The Roosevelts: An Intimate History is a TV show that explores the lives of the influential Roosevelt family, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Theodore Roosevelt. The series delves into their political careers, the challenges they faced, and their impact on American history. It covers important events such as the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, and the civil rights movement. The show also highlights the personal relationships, including the husband-wife relationship between Franklin and Eleanor, and their shared dedication to progressivism and human rights.
A detailed look at the Prohibition era in the United States, covering the rise of bootlegging, the activism against alcohol, and the unintended consequences of the ban. The series delves into the history of the 1920s and 1930s, focusing on New York City and the impact of prohibition on American culture.
Dramatic documentary about the birth of the American Republic and the struggle of a loosely connected group of states to become a nation.
Raised by a single mother in poverty, Ray Charles goes blind at a young age. He finds solace in music and rises to stardom during the 1950s and 1960s.
Amend: The Fight for America is a compelling TV show that delves deep into the rich history and ongoing struggle for equal rights in the United States. Through insightful interviews and historical reenactments, the series explores the significance of the 14th Amendment and its impact on various social issues such as immigration, civil rights, and marriage equality. With a focus on the fights for freedom and justice, this thought-provoking documentary sheds light on the challenges faced by marginalized communities and the ongoing journey towards a more inclusive society.
Liberty's Kids is an animated historical TV show set during the American Revolution. It follows a group of young teenagers, Sarah, James, and Henri, as they work for Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Together, they experience the events and meet key figures that shaped the independence movement.
This five-part series traces the story of Asian Americans, spanning 150 years of immigration, racial politics, international relations, and cultural innovation. It is a timely, clear-eyed look at the vital role that Asian Americans have played in defining who we are as a nation. Their stories are a celebration of the grit and resilience of a people that reflects the experience of all Americans.
New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison discovers there's more to the Kennedy assassination than the official story. Garrison and his team investigate potential links to the assassination in New Orleans. Three years later, the investigation is reopened after Garrison notices inaccuracies in the Warren Commission Report. Garrison interrogates witnesses and uncovers evidence of a conspiracy involving the CIA, military-industrial complex, Cuban exiles, and the Mafia. Despite facing opposition and attacks on his character, Garrison presents evidence of multiple assassins during Clay Shaw's trial.
How the West Was Won tells the story of a family's journey and struggles as they navigate the challenges of the American frontier. From the rivers to the deserts, from the Civil War to the Gold Rush, their lives intertwine with historical events and they witness the triumphs and tragedies of westward expansion.
Jackie is a biographical drama that follows Jacqueline Kennedy during the immediate aftermath of her husband's assassination. The movie explores her grief, her role as First Lady, and her efforts to preserve her husband's legacy.