Pigs and Battleships is a dark comedy crime drama set in post-war Japan. It revolves around the lives of the people in a poverty-stricken port city, where the local yakuza and the US Navy clash over the control of the black market. The story follows a young couple caught in the middle of this power struggle, as they navigate their way through the corrupt world of crime, neon-lit nightclubs, and illicit activities. It explores themes of poverty, social satire, prostitution, and the effects of the war on the lives of ordinary people.
Marie, a 14-year-old girl, falls in love with a 14-year-old boy during her summer vacation in the Bay of Angels. Their innocent romance takes a dark turn as they become involved in theft and violence. The film explores themes of cynicism, teenage sexuality, and the complexities of young love.
Castro's Spies is a captivating documentary that delves into the world of espionage, focusing on a group of spies from Cuba. The film showcases their daring missions and the reenactment of pivotal moments in history. With the FBI hot on their trail, these Cuban spies find themselves in a relentless battle for survival.
A drunken war correspondent, a prostitute and happy-go-lucky Italian GI barely escape a bombing of Manila, only to realize that the island they land on has been captured by the Japanese. They hook up with a band of Allied survivors and attempt to escape.
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