When a mysterious creature suddenly appears in Tokyo and begins wreaking havoc, the government and its bureaucrats find themselves ill-equipped to handle the situation. As the monster, now known as Godzilla, grows larger and more destructive, the city is thrown into chaos. With the threat of lethal radiation and political incompetence hindering their efforts, the Japanese Self-Defense Force and a team of scientists must find a way to stop the monster before Tokyo is completely destroyed.
In the future, humanity wages war with giant humanoid weapons called Titanostrides. Isami Ao of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and Lewis Smith of the United States Marine Corps meet on the battlefield in Oahu, Hawaii. An enemy aircraft attacks, scattering their forces. To survive the battle and save their friends, unlikely comrades must find the courage to defeat this new threat.
In the future, humanity wages war with giant humanoid weapons called Titanostrides. Isami Ao of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and Lewis Smith of the United States Marine Corps meet on the battlefield in Oahu, Hawaii. An enemy aircraft attacks, scattering their forces. To survive the battle and save their friends, unlikely comrades must find the courage to defeat this new threat.
Featurette about the demise, during the early 1940s, of the once-popular Mr. Moto B-films series that starred Peter Lorre.
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