Fatman is a dark comedy film that follows a hitman who sets out to target Santa Claus after receiving a lump of coal as a child. As the hitman and Santa Claus face off, a 12-year-old boy becomes entangled in their dangerous game, leading to unexpected consequences. With a mix of action, adventure, and comedy, Fatman takes a unique twist on the traditional holiday story.
During World War II, a group of Nazi invaders find themselves stranded in Canada as they try to escape capture. They encounter various challenges and obstacles along their journey.
Johnny Stool Pigeon is a 1949 crime thriller film-noir about an undercover cop who infiltrates a criminal organization involved in illegal activities along the US-Canada border. The story revolves around murder, shootout, drug addiction, and the challenges faced by the undercover detective as he tries to gather evidence against the gangster mobster.
A pregnant woman and her husband discover they are half-brother and half-sister, thanks to his father and her mother.
After returning home from years spent in a convent, Marie Beaulieu, is shocked to discover that her father, the leader of a band of smugglers, desires she marry Dave Roi, one of the members of the band.
A Canadian college student learns about life and love during a trip to her cousin's wedding in California.
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