In The Usual Suspects, a criminal mastermind known as Keyser Söze orchestrates a series of events involving five criminals meeting in a police lineup. The sole survivor of a pier shoot-out tells the story of how Keyser Söze influenced these events. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Keyser Söze is a nearly mythical figure with a reputation for violence and ruthlessness. The criminals are manipulated by Keyser Söze to carry out a series of robberies and other criminal activities. Throughout the plot, the true identity of Keyser Söze is revealed to be the seemingly innocent con artist named Verbal Kint. The film ends with a twist, as Verbal Kint escapes capture and it is revealed that he is Keyser Söze.
Dead Man on Campus is a dark comedy about two college students, Josh and Cooper, who discover an urban legend that says if their roommate commits suicide, they will receive straight A's. Desperate to improve their grades, they search for a potential roommate willing to end their own life.
A punk infused love story of two street skaters, August and Beto, and their last day on earth: they're gonna end it.
An intense bromance between a gay football player and a straight military guy.
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