Big City Greens follows the chaotic and hilarious adventures of a family who moves from a small country town to the bustling metropolis. The show explores the challenges and culture clash the family experiences in the big city, with a focus on the mischievous antics of the young boy Cricket Green. Through their adventures, the show delivers lighthearted comedy and heartwarming messages. Join the Greens as they navigate through urban life and learn valuable life lessons along the way.
Pom Poko tells the story of a group of tanuki, Japanese raccoon dogs, who fight to save their forest home from destruction. As humans continue to encroach on their habitat, the tanuki must use their shape-shifting abilities and magical powers to try and preserve their way of life. The film explores themes of environmentalism, urbanization, and the loss of traditional Japanese culture.
PlayTime is a comedy movie set in modern-day Paris, France. It follows the story of an American tourist who gets lost in the complex architecture and modern life of the city. With mistaken identities, comedy of errors, and slapstick humor, the movie explores themes of conformity and nonconformity. It showcases the chaotic and funny interactions among tourists, waiters, cleaners, air hostesses, sailors, businessmen, and more. Through visual comedy and choreographed sequences, PlayTime highlights the postmodern and urbanized standard of living in France during the 1960s.
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains is a movie that portrays a family's struggles and relationships amidst the backdrop of urbanization in China. It delves into the challenges they face due to forced relocation, lack of money, and redevelopment. The story revolves around a 70th birthday celebration that brings out conflicts between family members. With elements of romance and drama, the movie addresses themes of love, loss, and societal changes.
Under the Dome explores the devastating effects of air pollution and highlights the urgent need for environmental regulation and social responsibility. It exposes the corruption and subterfuge surrounding the issue, examining the detrimental effects of industrialization and coal mining on public health, including premature death and illness such as lung cancer. The film focuses on major cities like London, Los Angeles, and Beijing, and calls for political and economic reform to reduce emissions and protect the environment.
At Turkey’s oldest zoo, a lonely manager and a neglected female officer form an unlikely bond: as they hide the death of the zoo’s oldest inhabitant, an Anatolian leopard, in order to stop the privatization process and fake its escape, they set in motion an absurd charade that spins out of control. In Turkey’s grey and quiet capital, the ghost of the leopard persists.
A group of ghosts reside in an old house and live in harmony despite cultural differences. However, when they learn that a builder plans to demolish the building, they band together to stop him.
"At he beach" - A hidden masterpiece: one part rural elegy, one part urban romance, forged together in an editing tour de force. Rarely screened in China or outside, this story of a fisherman’s daughter caught between factory work and feudal forced marriage is simply astonishing.
Adapted and directed by Marc Craste, Varmints is a 24-minute film based on the award-winning book of the same name by Helen Ward and illustrated by Craste, that tells the story of one small creature's struggle to preserve a world in danger of being lost forever through recklessness and indifference. A crew of 35 people worked in three countries over a two year period to make the film, and an original score by Icelandic composer Jóhann Jóhannsson and sound design by Adrian Rhodes complete the picture.
A little forest man is moved to the city.
Monichan shifts to the city from his village to provide better education to his children. But will things go as planned?
After some back and forth are graphic designers Jan Börner can finally bring himself and his wife Anne and their children Lisa and Luke a terraced house in a modern housing estate to relate. But a short time later reveal the dark side of this decision. In the midst of gossiping settlement residents privacy is nil. To make matters worse, the busy neighbors feel even called to overwhelm Jan and Anne with supposedly helpful advice for running the household and raising children. The tense atmosphere in the family finally reached a new climax when one day Jan's ex-girlfriend Maren moves into the house next door ...
The Man Who Stopped the Desert tells the inspiring true story of Yacouba Sawadogo, a farmer in Burkina Faso who battled against desertification and transformed his community. Facing drought and famine, Yacouba utilized innovative techniques such as tree planting and composting to restore the land and improve food security. Through his perseverance and nonconformity, Yacouba became a symbol of hope and sustainable development in Africa.
Slums: Cities of Tomorrow is a documentary that delves into the lives of people living in slums across the globe. From Brazil to India, the film examines the challenges and resilience of these communities in the face of urbanization, economic crisis, and social issues. Through interviews and on-the-ground footage, it provides a compelling insight into the struggles and livability of slums.
An analysis of the phenomenon of accelerated urbanization in Brazil, and more particularly in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
When forest animals invade our cities, the world is in disarray. Office vixen Fiona struggles with her banana phone addiction. Will she succumb to it? Temperamental bunny Barbara only gives her stag sugar daddy Nestor his special massage, after he dines her and plays the big spender. This obscure short film pinpoints postmodern tropes of consumerism, eroticism, and art with an homage to the theater stage and references to literature. This work uses a fantasy language and needs no subtitles.
Harami (2020) is a movie centered around the life of a young pickpocket who navigates the challenges of urbanization and social criticism. As a child growing up in a city plagued by crime, he becomes entangled in the world of pickpocketing and illegal activities. The movie explores themes of child labor, coming-of-age, human rights, and the harsh realities of urban life through the eyes of the protagonist.
Juhani, a welder and Ritva, a right-wing backgrounded, future clerk get married. Soon we see that their marriage seems to be all about long business trips, housing problems, concerns about the money and political disagreements.