Dhh is a heartwarming Gujarati film that follows the story of three friends who embark on a journey of self-discovery and friendship. Set in an urban Gujarati community, the film explores the challenges and triumphs of adolescence, with a focus on the importance of friendship and embracing one's true self. As the friends navigate school life and the pressures of the adult world, they learn valuable life lessons and discover the power of true friendship. Dhh is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates a heartwarming coming-of-age story with a touch of Gujarati culture.
On a stormy night, Aadhya Shodhan, a famous Indian author, finds herself trapped in a cafe with a group of suspicious individuals. Each person in the cafe has their own motive to kill, and now Aadhya must fight to survive the night and prove her innocence.
It's an inspiring story and aspiring youngsters in the comedy genre. This film has a message for the people who are not winners, who are not successful, who are not happy or No.1 in their respective exams.
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