Joker is a dark and gritty character study that explores the descent of a mentally troubled comedian named Arthur Fleck into becoming the iconic supervillain known as the Joker. Set in the gritty and chaotic streets of Gotham City in the 1980s, Arthur struggles with his own inner demons and the societal decay around him. As he faces humiliation, rejection, and a series of unfortunate events, Arthur's psychological torment transforms him into the criminal mastermind who wreaks havoc and terrorizes the city.
Divines is a coming-of-age story set in a poverty-stricken housing complex in the outskirts of Paris. The film follows Dounia, a French Arab teenager, who dreams of escaping her life of poverty and becoming a dancer. She forms a close friendship with Maimouna, another young girl living in the same area. Together, they get involved in drug trafficking and other criminal activities to make quick money. As Dounia's obsession with dancing grows, she becomes entwined in a dangerous and violent world, risking everything she holds dear.
On their way home from Brooklyn, psychiatrist Vic, daughter Julie and sister Stacey run short of gas. They leave the highway to search for a petrol station - but end up erring around in South Bronx. A youth gang led by the sadistic Ice stops their car and starts terrorizing them. Without fuel, the 3 women soon have to flee by foot and defend their life with all means possible.
Bang is a 1995 crime drama that follows the story of a homeless man navigating through an urban jungle filled with corruption, poverty, and violence. The film explores themes of survival, revenge, and the harsh realities of street life.
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