Flying Colors tells the story of a high school girl who goes against societal expectations to pursue her dreams of attending a prestigious university. With determination and the support of her family and friends, she overcomes various obstacles and proves that hard work and perseverance can lead to success.
When a schoolteacher and amateur detective suspects foul play on her honeymoon, she must navigate a web of murder, blackmail, and mistaken identity to solve the crime.
After a mixup at the check-in, Aimo Niemi boards a charter plane bound for the sunny island of Rhodes, Greece, instead of the Innsbruck Winter Olympics he's packed for. It's the early days of package tourism, and he is too shy and clueless to really sort out any of his problems — a suitcase filled with women's clothes, a flirtatious female roommate, and no money to buy food since he was prepared for full room & board in Austria.
A black man walks into a bar. Or at least a white man with blackface on, and hilarity occurs.
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