First Kid is a comedy family movie that follows the story of Luke Davenport, the unruly son of the US President, who gets a Secret Service agent as his bodyguard. As Luke finds himself in various misadventures, the agent struggles to protect him and prevent any embarrassing situations that could harm his father's reputation.
When Dale Hartwell's best friend gets killed, he swears revenge on the bloodthirsty promoter and fighter who did it.
To make money, a Los Angeles street-fighter goes to work for gangsters.
A repo man tries to deliver a repossessed Jaguar. He's captured by a bizarre family, straight out of the backwoods, who force him to fight in an illegal, bare-fist tournament run by an insane sheriff.
Firmin, a security guard, dreams of becoming a professional boxer. With the help of a dedicated boxing coach, he trains hard to enter the world of boxing. Along the way, Firmin discovers the importance of family relationships and the challenges of pursuing his dreams
Walter Catlett wants to join a fight club.
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