Made in Dagenham is a comedy-drama film based on the true story of a group of women working at the Ford automobile factory in Dagenham, England, who went on strike in 1968 to demand equal pay. The film follows the journey of Rita O'Grady, who becomes the leader of the strike and fights against sexism and discrimination. Despite facing pressure from management and the government, the women's strike leads to a significant victory for equal pay.
The Hawk Is Dying follows a man in Gainesville, Florida who becomes obsessed with training hawks after the death of his nephew. His obsession starts to take a toll on his mental stability, leading him into a downward spiral of despair and obsession.
After impulsively buying a puffy chair on Craigslist, Josh embarks on a road trip adventure with his girlfriend and brother to deliver it to his father as a birthday gift. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and detours, leading to unexpected encounters and revelations that challenge their relationships and perspectives on life.
An upholsterer who is preparing a rocket for takeoff accidentally jettisons himself into space and returns to Earth 500 years later with an alien companion who wishes to learn more about the human race.
Jack the Ripper, the world's greatest ever serial killer. For over a hundred years he has eluded every investigator. Could it be that they have all been looking in the wrong place - and that the identity of Jack the Ripper is to be found not in London but in ... America?
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