An Unexpected Christmas follows the story of a single mother who returns home for Christmas and gets caught up in a series of unexpected events, including a romantic reunion, playing charades, and a secret Santa. As she navigates through the holiday chaos, she also finds herself caught between her past and her future, all while discovering the true meaning of love and family.
A lawyer and a businessman, both jaded by their past experiences during the holiday season, make a mistletoe promise to pretend to be in a relationship throughout the Christmas season. As they spend more time together, their feelings begin to grow, and they start to question whether their relationship is simply for show or if it could be something more.
After being assigned to work on her friend's wedding in her hometown, a woman finds herself competing with her ex-boyfriend for a promotion. She becomes involved in a Christmas scavenger hunt that leads her to rediscover her love for her small town and potentially find a second chance at love.
When an ambitious interior designer is assigned to decorate a mansion for a high-profile client during the Christmas season, she unexpectedly falls for the charming widower and single father who owns the house. As they work together to stage the perfect Christmas, their blossoming relationship faces obstacles like job promotions, family dynamics, and the pressure to choose between love and career.
When two rival window dressers are vying for a promotion, they are forced to work together and find themselves falling in love during the Christmas season in New York City.
When a hotel worker is assigned to work in her mountain hometown during the Christmas season, she is faced with a love interest from her past and a work assignment that could impact her career. As she navigates small-town Christmas traditions and a protest against a luxury hotel chain, she must decide between love and her ambition.
When a news anchor is up for a promotion, she returns to her hometown and rekindles a romance with her ex-boyfriend amidst the holiday season.
A marketing executive in Chicago is up for promotion right before the holidays. She has a chance encounter with a stranger and jumps to conclusions about their relationship. As she navigates the chaos of the Christmas season, she learns the true meaning of love and friendship.
A magazine writer from Portland, Oregon, goes to a rural setting in Washington State for an interview. She stays at a cozy bed and breakfast and meets a reclusive mystery novelist. As they spend time together, she finds inspiration for her magazine article and also finds herself falling in love. With the help of a golden retriever and the beautiful scenery, she overcomes writer's block and discovers the joy of small-town life.
Cupid, the god of love, is burned out. He wants desperately to retire and hand the bow and arrow over to his protégé: the well-meaning, romantic, and completely hapless Ruby.
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