Set in Chicago during the Prohibition era, 'The Untouchables' follows a group of federal agents led by Eliot Ness as they take on Al Capone and his organized crime empire. The show explores the cat-and-mouse game between the 'Untouchables' and the mob, filled with gunfights, car chases, and high-stakes action.
In 1930s Chicago, Treasury agent Eliot Ness assembles a team to bring down gangster Al Capone during Prohibition. With a group of incorruptible law enforcement officers, Ness raids Capone's illegal liquor operations and tries to gather evidence to indict him. As the team faces threats from Capone and his henchmen, including the murder of one of their own, they must find a way to outsmart the powerful and violent gangster. Their efforts lead to a high-stakes courtroom showdown, ultimately resulting in Capone's imprisonment.
The Untouchables is an American crime drama series that aired for two seasons in syndication, from January 1993 to May 1994. The series portrayed work of the real life Untouchables federal investigative squad in Prohibition-era Chicago and its efforts against Al Capone's attempts to profit from the market in bootleg liquor. The series features Tom Amandes as Eliot Ness and William Forsythe as Al Capone, and was based on the 1959 series and 1987 film of the same name.
Cast and crew members from The Untouchables recall the production.
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