Rich Kids is a comedy-drama set in New York City, focusing on the lives of wealthy children. The story revolves around themes of friendship, family dynamics, and the challenges faced by privileged youth. It explores the relationships and experiences of these rich kids, highlighting their struggles with broken homes, divorced parents, and the desire for independence. The film follows a group of 12-year-olds as they navigate through their unique lives, facing humorous and heartwarming situations along the way. Rich Kids provides an entertaining and insightful perspective on wealth, friendship, and growing up.
Caught in the Net is a powerful documentary that delves into the horrifying world of online grooming and sexual abuse. It follows the story of a 12-year-old girl who becomes a victim of a sexual predator on the internet, as well as the efforts of a film crew to shed light on this pervasive issue. The film exposes the dark reality of child sexual abuse and raises awareness about the need for online safety.
The Violent Years follows the story of a teenage girl gang led by a delinquent 18-year-old girl from a rich family. The gang gets involved in armed robberies, murder trials, and various criminal activities. As their crimes escalate, their actions become more dangerous and thrilling, leading to a devastating outcome.
While on a trip to Sweden, a group of Danish children wind up left to their own devices on a small, uninhabited island.
Raised on Porn is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the far-reaching effects of pornography on individuals and society as a whole. With a focus on topics such as sexual curiosity, objectification of women, and the influence of internet pornography, the film aims to shed light on the complex and often controversial subject of pornography addiction and its implications.
There is a vast increase of youth crime, doubling in the two years since the US entered World War II. With fathers off to war, women are working in the factories leaving children at home for the day or after school, unsupervised and free to get into trouble. Young men and women, some working and making an adult wage, now feel that they have the right to act and do as adults. Others are trying their hands at new thrills, such as smoking marijuana. Young women are getting into trouble by getting involved with the many servicemen that they are attracted to. This film shows how these kinds of subversive thoughts that lead to juvenile delinquency can be broken by having youths selling war bonds and organizing 4-H clubs, among other activities.
Sanna is forced to take care of his little brother when their mother is emotionally unavailable.
While playing, the children start drawing on the walls of the room. A painter comes to whitewash the flat. To entertain the children, the painter paints images on the walls. But even when he whitewashes over the picture he has painted for them, the children can still see it and are happy. No one knows about their secret gift from the painter.
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