The Unscrupulous Ones is a crime drama film set in Copacabana. It follows the story of a disillusioned woman who gets involved with a criminal and finds herself in a complicated and dangerous relationship. As the plot unfolds, secrets are revealed, and tensions rise, leading to a series of violent events. With a slow and suspenseful pace, the movie explores themes of betrayal, manipulation, and the consequences of unscrupulous actions.
A young couple's accident could make them rich, if they can evade a Nazi spy ring.
A night of love, intrigue, death and blackmail leaves stage-star Elise Manning's fate at stake in a conflict with the unscrupulous Doctor Gruell. A rejected lover dies in Miss Manning's apartment, and Gurell implies that the death was murder and attempts to blackmail the actress. The climax brings the actress, her fiancé and the dead-man's wife face-to-face in an emotional denouement.
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