Sinners is a powerful drama set in 1960s Ireland, focusing on the story of a young woman who finds herself in a Magdalene Laundry, a Catholic nun-operated institution where 'fallen women' were sent to perform manual labor as punishment for their sins. Separated from her baby and subjected to physical punishment, she navigates the oppressive religious order and attempts to break free from the social stigma of her past. The film explores themes of abuse, forced adoption, social injustice, and the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
In this romance, a lovely young debutante falls in love with a jazz violinist. Her mother wants her to marry a wealthy young man, but the strong-willed girl initially demurs until the night of her debut. Her social adviser fills the debutante’s dance card with partners, which inflames the violinist.
Between the Fist and the Stove is a hilarious, fictional film, a melodrama and a tragicomedy based on clips from old Finnish films from the 1940s and 1950s. It is a synthesis of Finland’s Bold and the Beautiful – of a time when the swing of the haystack band made the public wild. Passion, jealousy, lust and forgiveness meet in the surges of the rapids and at the gates of heaven.
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