Noi the Albino is a comedy-drama film set in Iceland. It follows the story of a teenage boy named Noi who is trapped in a small village surrounded by snow and mountains. Noi tries to escape his monotonous life by dreaming of faraway places and planning his escape. He gets into various misadventures, including getting expelled from school, stealing cars, and causing chaos in the town. As the film progresses, Noi's desire for freedom and a different life becomes stronger, leading to unexpected events and a sense of hope.
In Η μεγάλη απόφραξη (1987), a lazy plumber gets hired to fix a clogged drain, but his incompetence leads to a series of calamities and destruction. As he tries to repair the damage, he faces challenges like a hunger strike, locked doors, and a fat wife who is always hungry. With slapstick comedy and hilarious situations, this movie showcases the chaos caused by a simple plumbing job.
When a man is mistaken for a colonel, he finds himself embroiled in a plot to assassinate the crown prince. As he navigates through a series of bizarre events and encounters, he must decide whether to go along with the plan or expose the conspiracy.
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