In Hammy's Boomerang Adventure, a mischievous squirrel named Hammy and his animal friends find themselves in a series of hilarious situations as they embark on an adventure in the forest. Along the way, they encounter obstacles, have fun, and learn valuable lessons about friendship and teamwork.
Deep Shock is a thrilling action-adventure movie set in a research station located under the ice. The station is suddenly under attack by a mysterious creature, putting the fate of the world at risk. With power failure, flooding, and a ticking clock, the team must find a way to survive and stop the creature before it's too late.
Goké, Body Snatcher from Hell is a horror sci-fi movie about a horrifying alien invasion that takes place in Japan. The story follows a researcher who discovers unknown objects that possess the ability to control people's minds. As chaos unfolds, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
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