In this comedy-drama romance, a vagabond violinist with a unique birthmark on his face finds himself in a camp where he becomes a savior. He meets a painter and they form a unique bond, facing dilemmas and encountering unexpected situations. The vagabond's resemblance to a person in a portrait leads to a series of events involving fights, disputes, and arguments in a pub. Amidst the chaos, he rescues a rich woman's missing daughter and escapes from an altercation. The vagabond's encounter with an old woman and a gypsy crowd adds more twists to the story, with jealousy and kidnapping becoming part of the plot. The film explores themes of wealth, love, and the power of art.
Lavatory Lovestory is a heartwarming animated short film about a middle-aged, unkempt lavatory attendant who spends her days cleaning and daydreaming in the public restroom. One day, she discovers a tip jar filled with flowers and becomes intrigued by the person leaving them. Through a series of encounters, she develops a secret admirer relationship with a stranger who captures her heart. The film beautifully explores themes of loneliness, hope, and unexpected connections.
With the arrival of a new juke-box in a snack-bar, the cockroaches' life becomes suddenly a little more animated.
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