Bread and Roses (2000) follows the story of a group of janitors, mostly immigrants, who work in a Los Angeles office building. Inspired by the efforts of labor organizer Maya, they organize themselves to fight for better working conditions, higher wages, and access to healthcare. The film highlights the challenges they face, including the opposition from the corporation and the coercion tactics used against them. It is based on a true story and showcases the courage and determination of the characters in their pursuit of justice.
The Trouble with Girls is a comedy movie set in a small town in the 1920s. It follows the story of a small-town sheriff who faces various challenges, including dealing with alcoholic behavior, organizing a talent show, and addressing workers' rights. The movie also explores themes of friendship, justice, and romance.
In the 1920s, the rights of American workers to join a labor union was still considered an open question, and African-Americans were routinely denied their civil and economic rights. 10,000 Black Men Named George, the title, refers to the fact Pullman porters were often called "George" by white passengers, which was considered a racial slur.
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