Cosmos is a surreal comedy that follows the story of an aspiring writer who rents a room in a boarding house. As he navigates through his everyday life, he encounters various bizarre situations and encounters, including dead animals, surreal characters, and unusual events. The movie explores themes of creativity, relationships, and the absurdity of life.
Explores the nature of man, not only with feet of clay, but with a face of clay as well. Within a colourless city of walls, corridors, and small rooms, a man makes his way from home to work, then to a bar, and then, by a stroke of luck, into an outdoors of space, fresh air, and colour. Along the way, he changes his face to fit his surroundings, interacts with his dog, argues with co-workers, and gossips at a bar. His altering of his visage suggests a two-faced nature, and his stepping into the outdoors provides the ultimate test of his real identity.
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