UFO is a sci-fi TV show that follows the adventures of a top-secret British government organization called SHADO (Supreme Headquarters, Alien Defence Organization). SHADO combats alien invasions and UFO sightings using highly advanced technology and secret agents. The show focuses on the struggles and missions of the officers, including Colonel Straker, as they protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats.
Attraction is a sci-fi movie that takes place in Moscow, where an alien spaceship crash-lands, causing chaos and panic among the city's residents. As the authorities try to contain the situation, a teenage girl finds herself drawn to one of the humanoid aliens, leading to a unique relationship that challenges societal norms. Amidst the destruction and fear, compassion and love emerge as key themes in the face of an otherworldly threat.
Hangar 1: The UFO Files is a documentary TV show that delves into the world of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and examines real-life cases of alien encounters, sightings, and abductions. The show is based on the investigations conducted by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and features interviews with witnesses, experts, and researchers. It uses reenactments and narration to present compelling stories and evidence that aim to shed light on the phenomena of UFOs.
In 'UFO (2018)', a professor obsessed with UFOs begins to investigate a series of UFO sightings reported by multiple witnesses. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a government conspiracy to cover up the truth about extraterrestrial encounters. With his life in danger, he must find a way to expose the truth before it's too late.
In 1997, a group of friends embarks on an expedition to investigate the Phoenix Lights UFO sighting. They disappear without a trace, leaving behind only their found footage. Years later, their footage is discovered, revealing the terrifying truth of their encounter with an unidentified flying object.
Unsealed: Alien Files is a documentary TV show that explores the world of UFO sightings, government cover-ups, and alien conspiracies.
UFOs appear on Earth, and people who actually see them suddenly find that their blood has turned blue. Soon panic and hysteria result in the new "blue-bloods" being persecuted by the rest of mankind, and eventually certain all-too-familiar measures begin to be taken against them.
Travis Walton, a logger, goes missing for five days after he witnesses a UFO sighting in the forest. He resurfaces with a tale of being abducted by aliens and taken aboard their flying saucer.
Out of the Blue is a documentary that explores the history of UFO sightings and the government's involvement in covering up evidence. It delves into various incidents such as the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident and the Phoenix Lights, providing interviews with witnesses and experts in the field.
When an alien lecturer visits Earth, he causes havoc in a small town as he tries to understand human behavior and customs.
Three documentary makers, are heading home from Burning Man in their RV and decide to pull off into the desert to camp for the night. Things get creepy. With their 5 RV cams running 24/7, we see everything that happens...even things they don't see.
A journalist investigates a series of unidentified flying object sightings and discovers a deeper connection to religious beliefs. As he delves deeper, he begins to question his own beliefs and the nature of reality.
Robert Kiviat looks at UFO cases
Documentary on with strange goings-on in the 'devil's triangle'.
Mirage Men is a documentary that delves into the world of UFO disinformation, revealing how the government and intelligence agencies have manipulated the public's perception of unidentified flying objects. It explores the phenomenon of UFO sightings and crashes, and the role of counter-intelligence in creating false narratives and spreading misinformation. The film also touches upon the Roswell UFO incident and the ongoing quest for the truth about extraterrestrial life.
A comprehensive investigation into various UFO sightings around the world, including interviews with eyewitnesses and government officials.
The crew of an aircraft carrier discovers that it is being pursued by a UFO that turns out to be a radioactive probe from outer space. They appeal to the warring countries of Earth to stop fighting and help it to repel the invaders.
Since the Americans gave up their military training area near Endlingen / Ostalbkreis, the region has been going downhill: Maslow, a jack of all trades, is working on a UFO so that the dump will be mentioned in the press. Meanwhile, Ben - reluctantly entrusted with the care of his demented grandfather - falls in love with Lena, who has ended up in the town ...
During the evening of March 13, 1997, a mile-wide, V-shaped formation of lights (that seemed to be attached to something) slowly and silently traversed throughout Arizona at a very low altitude for many hours. The inexplicable and awesome event was witnessed by thousands of people, while they were looking up at the sky, purposely to catch a glimpse of the Halle-Bopp Comet. The significant statewide incident garnering headline news, catching the attention of USA Today, CNN, MSNBC, The Discovery Channel, EXTRA, national morning TV shows, as well as the Evening News with Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather.