Oppai Volleyball (2009) follows the story of a Japanese teenage girl who finds motivation to join her junior high school's volleyball team when she remembers her promise to her teacher. With the help of a new teacher and her determination, she strives to overcome challenges and prove herself in the volleyball sport. However, she soon discovers that she has a crush on her teacher, which adds a layer of complexity to her journey. Will she be able to overcome her crush and achieve her goals? Find out in this funny and inspiring movie.
Absolute Proof (2021) is a documentary film that delves into the unproven claims of election fraud during the 2020 presidential election. It showcases various conspiracy theories, pseudohistory, and unscientific assertions, often categorized as disinformation and rejected by experts. The film relies on conjecture, supposition, and fallacies to make its case, presenting itself as absolute proof despite lacking credible evidence.
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