This compelling documentary series presents a countdown of America's 60 most notorious unsolved mysteries and crimes.
Legend has it that there is a treasure of immense value buried in the Philippine jungle - now a team of American experts, with the help of the only surviving witness, try to uncover the clues to solve the greatest mystery of WW2.
After strange trumpet-like sounds in the sky have been reported at locations around the world, a wannabe journalist sets out to investigate with his best friend, but they soon find themselves facing an encounter with terrifying results.
A man discovers the old psychiatric reports of a patient who went missing in the 1930s and starts to investigate similar disappearances.
Many believe Bigfoot doesn't exist, but to those who have seen it, there is no question - Bigfoot is real. Encounters with this elusive and strange creature have changed the lives of those who experience its presence, but it has been linked to the death of farm animals, pets and even the disappearance of people. There is definitely a living, breathing creature lurking in the backwoods and swamps of North America but to find any elusive animal you have to know what to look for, as well as knowing its behavior in order to hunt it.
The earth and sky are filled with mysteries. Startling evidence emerges yearly that supports the existence of Lake Monsters, Wild Men, & Werewolves.
A number of legends and belief systems describe dark spiritual or supernatural entities as well as various shadow creatures which have long been a staple of folklore and centuries old ghost stories. While some physiological and psychological conditions can account for experiences of shadow people, paranormal researchers don't all agree on whether or not they are evil. Some even speculate that shadow people may be the extra-dimensional inhabitants of another universe. One thing is for sure though, thousands of sane people are reporting dark, menacing apparitions lurking over them while sleeping and leaving them in a paralyzed state frozen with fear. Is this some new psychological phenomenon or intruders from some other nefarious dimension?
A non-human, alien mummy found recently in Peru, could be the greatest discovery of all time, re-writing history as we know it. Dating back 1600 years or more, some experts say it is evidence of an ancient alien reptilian race.
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