The UnXplained is a captivating documentary TV show that delves into the world of unexplained phenomena, exploring unsolved mysteries and providing possible explanations for these puzzling events. From strange disappearances to paranormal encounters, each episode takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey that aims to shed light on the unexplained.
NASA's Unexplained Files is a captivating documentary TV show that delves into the strange and unexplained occurrences in the realm of space exploration. From mysterious signals from outer space to encounters with unidentified flying objects, the show investigates the unexplained mysteries that surround NASA's missions. With expert testimonies and compelling evidence, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey to uncover the truth behind these puzzling events.
The Atticus Institute is a fake documentary about a psychic research institute. The institute conducts experiments on individuals with psychic powers, but things go wrong when they accidentally unleash a powerful entity. As the entity wreaks havoc, the researchers struggle to contain it and uncover the truth about its origins.
An experimental film about a mysterious "white tiger" that was spotted in the snow covered forests of Russia.
Missing 411: The Hunted is a documentary that explores the strange cases of individuals who have gone missing in national parks and forests. These disappearances often involve unexplainable events and paranormal phenomena, leaving investigators puzzled. The film delves into the theories surrounding these missing persons cases, raising questions about the existence of unknown dangers lurking in the wilderness.
ParaSense: The Naked Experiments is a documentary movie that follows the story of ghost hunter Ross Allison and scientist Chad Goodwin as they join forces to investigate paranormal phenomena. Their main objective is to determine if it is possible to provide scientific evidence for physical contact with a ghostly entity. Using a combination of scientific methods and ghost-hunting techniques, they embark on a series of experiments to explore the unexplainable events surrounding ghostly encounters.
A girl witnesses her neighbor, who looks exactly like her, jump from her rooftop
In the summer of 1964 three unusual incidents took place on Lake Grace. The first two were totally unexplainable. The third, and most disturbing one, provided one clue... Based on the journal of sixteen-year-old Gwendolin Howard.
Gordon discovers that his girlfriend's dog isn't quite what she says it is.
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