Chinese Roulette is a suspenseful drama set in a family mansion. The film follows a married couple who invite unexpected guests to their home, leading to a series of revelations and conflicts. As dark secrets are exposed, the family's relationships are deeply tested. With themes of infidelity, deception, and hidden desires, Chinese Roulette explores the complex dynamics within a family.
When a workaholic lawyer unexpectedly inherits an inn in a small town, she finds herself in the middle of a charming and festive Christmas celebration. As she navigates the challenges of running the inn, she also discovers the joy and love that comes with taking a step back from her busy life. Along the way, she finds romance and discovers the true meaning of Christmas.
Break Up the Dance is a drama movie set in 1957 about a costume party that goes awry when unexpected guests arrive and cause hooliganism.
A woman's life is turned upside down when a blizzard strands her with unexpected guests on Christmas Day. Through the course of the night, she learns the power of forgiveness and embraces a fresh start, all while rediscovering the true meaning of Christmas.
Well-to-do Mr. and Mrs. Gilton live next door to a large family, the Biltons, that struggles to make ends meet. Despite their desire to be friendly, Mr. Gilton is frequently irritated by his neighbors, insisting that they stay out of his yard, and blaming them for anything that goes wrong. During the holiday season, the differences between the two families become even clearer. Mrs. Gilton wants to do something to help the Biltons, but Mr. Gilton will take a lot of convincing.
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