In this musical animated film, two volcanoes, a male and a female, form a romantic connection while singing a duet. They are separated by circumstances but are eventually reunited when a volcanic eruption occurs, creating a new tropical island.
In War-Gods of the Deep, a group of adventurers discover an underwater city and must navigate treacherous waters, sea monsters, and volcanic eruptions to survive. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets and confront deadly creatures.
In 'Magma: Volcanic Disaster,' a geologist and his graduate student must race against time to stop a catastrophic volcanic eruption. As the situation worsens, they encounter various obstacles, including toxic fumes, an underwater volcano, and the threat of a nuclear warhead detonation. With lives at stake, they struggle to convince the authorities of the impending disaster and find a solution before it's too late.
Cataclysm is a horror movie about a police detective who encounters supernatural powers. The detective is faced with a series of murders and must uncover the dark secrets behind them. As the investigation deepens, the detective becomes entangled in a world of occult rituals and demonic forces. Can they solve the case and save themselves from the looming cataclysm?
This is a world you have never seen before - a world normally hidden under miles of water, the ocean floor. We'll remove the water using CGI animation, revealing a landscape of unimaginable scale with features more dramatic than anything on dry land.
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